Alberta, Canada 403-704-4170
Jelaine VanHelsing Life Coach To The Max Inc.
Why working with Jelaine is so Amazing
Award Winning Mastering The Weight Program
Featuring The Perfect Body Workout
Author & Publisher
Natural Health & Wellness Consultant
You can join and follow me on YouTube where I will be sharing so much of what I do. My Channel is: Jelaine VanHelsing Life Coach To The Max.
I am a pretty pricey lady for the average person but all you have to do is Subscribe, Enjoy, Share and Like my channel; and with your support, I will be able to continue to offer so much of this intellectual knowledge of mine for Free. Which in turn enables me to continue doing what I love.
You can also contact me either by text message or email if you would like to just share your story with me, or how the things I've talked about have benefited you in some way, or if there's something in particular that is on your mind, that you need help with and would like me to talk about in the future. I look forward to hearing from you!
'You may just find yourself not only having the most incredible body of your life, functioning at optimal 24/7. While being healthier, happier, having more energy, more agility, better balance, and healing any possible illnesses.'
'While simultaneously starting the business you've always dreamed of or growing the business you have to greater profits. Starting investments or having them soar to new levels. All because you decided to invest in yourself and your future. It's all about what you and what you want and desire!'
'It's just knowing what to do and what not to do! And also understanding that our outer world and how fulfilled we are in relationships, business, self love and just... life; plays a huge roll on the outcome of our life's journey.'
'If I wanted to have a bodybuilder or fitness model figure... That is exactly what I would look like today! If I wanted to look a little more voluptuous... That is exactly what I would look like. I can achieve anything that I desire with the wealth of knowledge that I have accumulated over the last 25 years and I can also help ANYONE else achieve their desired perfect selves too!!'
'Don't ever look back with regrets. Seize this moment right now!'
I'm Not a Workaholic, I'm a Funaholic
This is the beginning of the start off your bright future, that turning point in time where you finally become all that you are meant to be!
The business world and finances and planning and investing and sales and marketing and growing businesses...
Ya, all of that and more. I find very intriguing and always have. It's like the greatest game to try to wrap your head around and conquer! I've helped numerous people follow their dreams in the direction of having the business they dream of, or others to get their finances in order, or with strategizing, marketing and sales, copyright, or how to invest that hard earned money for the future! I'm certainly not a have all my eggs in one basket kind of person. I believe in a brighter future where we can make our money work for us, have a passive income (make money while we sleep), and being able to keep more of our hard earned money at the end of the day. All while having fun doing something that we love!
You can also find a copy of the book 'Empowered Entrepreneurs Want To Share'. As the featured author in the book, my piece is titled 'The Inspired Entrepreneur' which you can find in the store...
*Here's a Special Bonus to get you started: If you're interested in investing and managing your own hard earned money click the Keep More of Your Money Now button. It will take you to Questrade, an online trading platform that I have been using for the last 7 years.
This is the Qpass key: 836318946417968
Which, as a thank you from Questrade for having a referral from me, once you enter the Qpass key, you will be able to unlock anywhere from $25-$250.00 when you open an account and fund it.*
Mastering The Weight
Founder of the Award Winning Life Coach To The Max Program, The Perfect Body Workout and Stretching From a Therapists Point of View videos. Personally designed for each and every person individually, specifically for YOU, YOUR goals YOUR PERFECT SELF!! A 90 day program designed with a focus on inner self, health, self-love and care, business, dreams, relationships, a complete look at ones total self and total life!! As this is where you Need to be in order to Master The Weight of Life. You will have a completely new perspective and a better understanding of you, your lifestyle and also with your relationship with what you eat and drink every day. Whatever it is that YOU want to be!!
Stop Dieting. Start Living. Lose Weight.
This is not a diet, it is about YOUR diet and mastering it once and for all! Don't you want to feel good about yourself? Don't you want to look in the mirror and be like... WOW! Take your body from a slow sluggish little bug... to optimal performance and just soaring through the calories you consume in a day! Just by following the suggestions I make in the way you eat, you will one day have to reanalyze all your good habits that you form, as you will get too skinny! You will be a self made freak of nature! You don't even have to exercise unless YOU choose to. But with a gentle compassionate approach to the human body as well as the entire compilation of all the best workouts to maximize your efforts put forth, you might just want to. The Perfect Body Workout is about restructuring and rebuilding... the word tearing is not in the vocabulary. The entire program is designed from a therapists gentle approach to healing and maximizing the greatest potential of each individual person. You can relax and know that if all you had was 5 minutes to do a workout... you've done the best of the best, guaranteed to see results.
I guarantee that I can help you change your life and not just for a little while but forever. Whatever you desire; tone up, lose weight, become a fitness model/bodybuilder, gain weight, or if you just want to feel better. I am here to share my SECRETS with you and with some simple Lifestyle changes it is amazing what you can achieve!! The results are results that will last a lifetime... All you have to do is try and the rest will follow!
The Intrigue of The Human Body
How could there possibly be anything more fascinating than the human body? With all we know, all the research and science that has been put into the human body, it's just a small percentage of what we could know! I have studied, worked with and helped heal thousands of people over the last 20 years. Not one person is the same. We have similar problems or conditions, but each of us get our own set. Which has enabled me to gain quite a heighted knowledge base in regard to the human body as a whole. At every level!
I am the founder of the Mastering The Weight Program, featuring The Perfect Body Workout and Stretching From a Therapists Point of View. Designed with special techniques to not only get you into the best shape of your life but give you increased agility, strength and balance as well as enabling the alignment of bones.
I have developed a therapy called JVH Therapy, which is a light pressure therapy that works with blood vessels and the nervous system to essentially unravel damage that has occurred at any point in life.
I am also able to analyze a photo and or video of you and tell you areas of concern, postural and structural issues, suggested muscles that you should have worked on, weak areas of your body, what kind of workout structure you should have based on your body type and what you want to achieve. Sounds pretty outstanding hey!
When it comes to diet...
We as people have learned everything all wrong... And now you have an opportunity to learn it all the right way and actually live your life while doing so!
Jelaine's Bio
Jelaine Marie VanHelsing,
Jelaine VanHelsing has been an Entrepreneur her entire life, with an unstoppable passion that fueled the development of her award winning 'Life Coach To The Max' Lifestyle Change Program. Which includes 'The Perfect Body Workout' and 'Stretching From A Therapists Point of View' videos, Entrepreneur Builder Program, Body Analysis, Health & Wellbeing, Healing With The Dead Sea, Essentials Oils, Card Readings and so much more. As a fashion model and dancer, Jelaine has also enjoyed being one of few women that worked on location in the Alberta Oil and Gas Industry, as well as doing online trading in the stock market, and having her own massage and wellness practice. She is an Author and Publisher and was the featured author in Empowered Entrepreneurs Want To Share; and coming soon, she also has her Mastering The Weight Book Collection, Mastery Of Poetry book, as well as her first novel coming out, titled, I Am Nothing. And as a Publisher, who last year had the honor of releasing 2 books which are in a series; Officially Deniable and Code Name Zoe by Captain Peter Mason and Zoe. A true story missing from the ledgers of our history; of an Official Assassin and British Spy who both fought in WW2 and their still denied secret missions deployed by the British SAS, in the years that followed. Jelaine is also a YouTuber that you don't want to miss; in which she shares her vast knowledge in order to help and inspire others to grow, achieve and better their own lives.